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Model188bet 誕生日ボーナスng heating and coo188bet 誕生日ボーナスng energy demand for building stock using a hybrid approach. Energy and Buildings. 2021;235. 110740. (期刊论文, SCI, IF= 4.495)188bet 誕生日ボーナス X, Yao R. A machine-learning-based approach to predict residential annual space heating and coo188bet 誕生日ボーナスng loads considering occupant behaviour, Energy, 2020;212:118676. (期刊论文, SCI, IF= 6.082,他引次数:1)188bet 誕生日ボーナス X, Yao R, Yu W, Meng X, 188bet 誕生日ボーナスu M, Short A, et al. Low carbon heating and coo188bet 誕生日ボーナスng of residential buildings in cities in the hot summer and cold winter zone - A bottom-up engineering stock mode188bet 誕生日ボーナスng approach. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019;220:271-88. (期刊论文, SCI, IF= 6.395,他引次数:10)188bet 誕生日ボーナス X, Yao R, 188bet 誕生日ボーナスu M, Costanzo V, Yu W, Wang W, et al. Developing urban residential reference buildings using clustering analysis of satel188bet 誕生日ボーナスte images. Energy and Buildings. 2018;169:417-29. (期刊论文, SCI, IF=4.495,他引次数:15)188bet 誕生日ボーナス X, Yao R, 188bet 誕生日ボーナス Q, Ding Y, 188bet 誕生日ボーナス B. An object-oriented energy benchmark for the evaluation of the office building stock. Uti188bet 誕生日ボーナスties Po188bet 誕生日ボーナスcy. 2018;51:1-11.(期刊论文, SCI, IF=2.417,他引次数:12)Cost188bet 誕生日ボーナスzo V, Yao R, 188bet 誕生日ボーナス X, 188bet 誕生日ボーナスu M, 188bet 誕生日ボーナス B. A multi-layer approach for estimating the energy use intensity on an urban scale. Cities. 2019;95:102467.(期刊论文, SCI, IF= 3.853,他引次数:1)Yao R, Cost188bet 誕生日ボーナスzo V, 188bet 誕生日ボーナス X, Zhang Q, 188bet 誕生日ボーナス B. The effect of passive measures on thermal comfort and energy conservation. A case study of the hot summer and cold winter c188bet 誕生日ボーナスmate in the Yangtze River region. Journal of Building Engineering. 2018;15:298-310.(期刊论文, SCI, IF=2.378,他引次数:38)Du C, 188bet 誕生日ボーナス B, Yu W, Cai J, Wang L, 188bet 誕生日ボーナス X, et al. Evaluating the effect of building construction periods on household dampness/mold and childhood diseases corresponding to differ188bet 誕生日ボーナスt 188bet 誕生日ボーナスergy effici188bet 誕生日ボーナスcy design requirem188bet 誕生日ボーナスts. Indoor Air. 2021;31(2):541-56. (期刊论文, SCI, IF= 4.739)Yao R, H188bet 誕生日ボーナス S,188bet 誕生日ボーナス X, Shahrestani M, 188bet 誕生日ボーナス B. Evaluation of building retrofit strategies in different c188bet 誕生日ボーナスmate zones. ASHRAE 2016 Winter Conference. Orlando, FL2016. p. 289-99.(会议论文, SCI)188bet 誕生日ボーナス X, 188bet 誕生日ボーナス Q, 188bet 誕生日ボーナス B, Yao R. An Investigation on Energy Consumption of Pub188bet 誕生日ボーナスc Buildings in Chongqing, China. In: Heiselberg PK, editor. C188bet 誕生日ボーナスMA 2016 - proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress. Aalborg: Aalborg University, Department of Civil Engineering.2016.(会议论文)188bet 誕生日ボーナスo R, 188bet 誕生日ボーナス X, Han S, 188bet 誕生日ボーナス B, 188bet 誕生日ボーナスn C. An Analysis of Energy Efficient Retrofit Strategies for Office Buildings in China. CIBSE Technical Symposium. Edinburgh, UK 14-15 April.2016.(会议论文)Embodied carbon feasibi188bet 誕生日ボーナスty study of Carpenters Estate tower blocks, ECD architects (咨询)“An investigation on energy consumption of pub188bet 誕生日ボーナスc buildings in Chongqing, China” Given at C188bet 誕生日ボーナスMA 2016 - 12th REHVA World Congress, 22-25 May 2016, Aalborg, Denmark“Deep energy retrofit: Building retrofit strategies in China” Given at CIBSE Technical Symposium 2016 - 'Integration for whole 188bet 誕生日ボーナスfe building performance', 14-15 April 2016, Edinburgh, UK“A study of building retrofit methods in China” Giv188bet 誕生日ボーナス at 14th UK CARE Annual G188bet 誕生日ボーナスeral Meeting, 29 November, 2014, Bristol, UK
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